5 Free Things You Can Do to Live Longer Today
5 Free Things You Can Do to Live Longer
No more excuses! Begin living a younger life today.
We all make choices in life. Today we are talking about every day, real decisions you are making about your health which will impact the youthful quality and longevity of your life. As a Regenerative Medicine Specialist, Dr. Robyn Benson loves focusing on conversations with experts that know their science and the simple ways we can choose a regenerative lifestyle, rather than a long, slow and painful life of degeneration. SADLY, this can lead to a dead end of ongoing surgeries and medications.
So, listen to her talk about medicine that represents the future of health care and how it aligns with your body naturally when applied.
Freedom has never been more definitive and absolute for some, when we think of what that means as it relates to our health. It all comes down to the choices we make day-after-day.
Let's begin by asking you some questions before we share some miraculous, natural, health plan options for you:
- Do you have an active lifestyle? ... how would you describe active?
- What is your health worth to you?
- Who is responsible for your health?
- Can you share something you do for your health every day? ... what is that?
- Is there a choice you're faced with right now?
The next YOUNGER podcast expert has been in the forefront of medicine and is a dear friend of Dr. Robyn Benson's. We discuss how certain decisions you make today can influence your health for the better 20-, 30-plus years from now.
Meet Dr. Dennis Harper, as he tells his story, his personal shift, and how he nearly died when he got lost on a hunting trip on a cold wintry afternoon. Dr. Harper shares this because he knows you have so much power in the everyday, small, decisions that you make in life.
Even if we share the best pathways to a youthful life,
are you going to take it in stride or blow it off?
Learn from Dr. Harper and listen as he answers targeted questions, like:
- What are you trying to accomplish and how much are you willing to do to live an extra 10-, 20-, 30-plus years?
- What are the top five things people can do to live longer right now?
- Where is your mental state currently?
- Many people know what they "should be" doing, but they don't do it. What's the shift they need to take on to change this behavior?
- When it comes to regenerative therapies, what are the five top things we should be paying attention to?
Learn what Dr. Harper's morning routine entails and a key reason to listen to this episode. I know you will be inspired to share this YOUNGER podcast with friends, family and co-workers of any age, so just do it.
Stop degeneration today and begin living a life of regeneration!
Listen, Enjoy and Share!
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Are you ready to begin living a regenerative lifestyle?