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Allergy Assistance and Free 15 minute Facials

Allergy season is fast approaching but don’t despair.  Dr. Susanne Bennetts’ book “The 7 Day Allergy Makeover”AND Dr. Christi Alsop DOM has solutions for you right here, right now.

Heart and Breath Matters

Join the Self-Care Revolution where replays of the interviews are available to Free Members for 48 hours, plus you’ll receive instant access to call-in information and bonus materials.

Can I ask you something?

Where do you turn for information when you need help solving everything from your smallest to your most pressing health and wellness problems? Common cold, stress, cancer, hormone imbalance, addiction, weight issues, allergies…
If you’re anything like me, you’re so over trying to sift through the mountain of information out there regarding your health and what to do to maintain it. Wouldn’t it be nice to have one place to go and access all the tools and resources you need exactly when you need them?
Let me introduce you to the Self-Care Revolution™, your one-stop-shop when it comes to providing you with exactly what you need to create a healthy, vibrant lifestyle! Sign up so you don’t miss out: http://bit.ly/1cM0kLo

Practitioner Self Care Tips

From Harmony Rose West : Soul-Full Self-Care : I Made A Mistake

No doubt about it…every single human being on the planet makes mistakes! Right now, bring to mind a mistake that you made (You don’t have the power to change anyone else’s mistake, only your own!). What do you need to do to make this mistake right? What needs to happen for you to let go of that wish I hadn’t done that feeling? Do you need to apologize? Do you need to call someone and talk it out? Do you need to forgive yourself? 

If you don’t take time to make the mistake right, it’s like dragging a dead horse behind you all the time. You can feel the weight and it takes a lot of energy to drag it around. It’s dead and done with…you can’t change the past. Make it right and you will feel so much lighter. HarmonyRoseWellness.com

From Dr. Re Kanter DOM FREE 15 minute facial cosmetic enhancement sessionsMondays from 1:00-3:00 at SFS starting February 24.

From Dr. Christi Alsop DOM

Allergy season is upon us. Chinese Elm, Western Juniper this month, then on to Box Elder and Cottonwood next month. Practicing prevention goes long way when it comes to allergies. It’s a great time to consider a cleanse to rid the body of toxins and excess mucus and in general avoid dairy, sugar, caffeine, fatty foods and gluten. It is also a great time to come in a get a tune up, strengthening your defense with acupuncture and herbs. Some great herbal formulas for allergy season are Jade Screen and Xanthium, BiYan Pian, Aller-sine by Vaxa. Also consider using vitamin therapy Ester-C, Querectin, Royal Jelly, B-complex can all help prevent allergies. Call to schedule an appointment with Christi Alsop, DOM 505-986-1089.

From Jonathan Crews- Jonathan Crews will be giving FREE 15 minute Vedic Astrology Readings in the SFS Living Room on Wednesday ‘s from 2:00-5:00pm

From Robyn Benson, DOM will be sharing her top Self-Care tips at the

The Winter of Wellness: 90-Days to a Life of Optimum Health! Are you ready to break through old patterns of struggle, stress, scarcity and sickness? Do you want to step into a life of vitality, joy — and love for your body, mind, heart and soul?

 Then join Robyn and 40+ Top Experts for this FREE 90-Day Summit taking place January 27th – March 28th!

From Kathleen Nagy-The Sound Lady

 “How To Hear Your Soul Sound” (20 minute video)

“We are vibrational expressions of the Infinite Eternal, becoming aware of itself within the heart of matter.”

Reviews so far….”Profound”, “Mesmerizing”, “WOW”

 (www.thesoundlady.com) info@thesoundlady.com

From Kevin Snow- The Desert Shaman

“I Am Related To All Things”

Kevin is sharing a link to his Self Care Revolution interview on the importance of being in relationship.


Did you know that FATIGUE and lack of FOCUS (aka “brain fog”) are two of the most common “hidden” symptoms of allergies? Other little-known symptoms include bloating, joint pain, poor energy and lack of concentration.
And you thought it was just about sneezing and runny nose!
How do I know this? Because my friend and colleague, Dr. Susanne Bennett, is a leading expert on allergies and just published her new book, The 7-Day Allergy Makeover, A Simple Program to Eliminate Allergies and Restore Vibrant Health from the Inside Out

Now, Dr. Susanne is offering a collection of SURPRISING FACTS about allergies in a free downloadable eBook. This little companion eBook is full of information and could even save you or someone you love from unnecessary suffering. 


I know you’ll enjoy this eBook 11 Surprising Facts About Allergies. When you download it, you’ll also get a special bonus offer from Dr. Susanne. Don’t miss that!

Yours in health and vibrant living,

Robyn Benson DOM

Self Care Bundle Packages! 

Watch this video to learn about our







Sample 3 transformational sessions with our exceptional practitioners for the low introductory price of $50ea.

Call 474-8555 to schedule your appointments



“I love the idea of the bundles! It gives you the opportunity to address specific issues more holistically.”

Christie in Santa Fe


Special Events in the Sun Room


Santa Fe Soul and The Self Care Revolution are proud to present LIVE in the Sun Room

Joe Rubino for 3 days of classes.

Only a few more seats available, get yours NOW by clicking HERE.

Join us February 21, 2014 – 9am – 5pm at Santa Fe Soul Health & Healing Center for:

The Soaring Self-Esteem Experiential Course!

Add on two extra days with…

Course #2:

Conversations For Success Course..

Are You Ready to Build a Successful ?

Healing Through Alignment with Annette Groenfeldt – A ReConnective Therapy

Healing Group

February 11, from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm 

Monthly on 2nd Tuesday until May 13, 2014

Cost : $35

Contact : Annette Groenfeldt (Cantor) 505-670 047

RCT provides healing of physical and emotional imbalances through reconnecting us with our energybody, which contains the information of perfect health. A treatment is moving with the energy present, like making music, and it leads to alignment with our higher selves and thus nourishes us in a profound and gentle way.

As well as receiving the treatment we will explore energy exercises and have time for conversation and reflection. The evening will leave you inspired and relaxed. This is the second of 5 monthly evenings.

Dr. Dan Matthews Group Holy Divine Healing

February 14, from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Cost : $35 Suggested Minimum Love Offering

Contact : Gracia Coffin 505-500-7918

Dr. Dan Mathews comes to New Mexico twice a year to facilitate Group Healings, as well as individual transformational sessions, in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Los Alamos, and Jemez Springs. The Group Healings are global service events open to any who feel called to consciously participate in their own transformational process as well as assisting in the awakening and healing of all Humanity, all Life, and Mother Earth. Participants in Dr. Dan’s Group Healings with Holy Divine Healing have experienced profound physical and emotional healing, as well as a more expanded awakening to their own unique spiritual gifts. 

Emotional Freedom Techniques Level 1& 2; Advancing the Work

(Thursday & Friday Level 1, Saturday and Sunday Level 2)

February 13&14 and 15 & 16 from 9:00-5:00pm

Cost : $395

Contact : To register: Go to www.EFTtappingtraining.com

Alina Frank and Craig Weiner, DC 360-661-6877

Level 1 -Come and learn EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques or “Tapping”), the most sought after of Energy Psychology approaches. EFT has gained rapid popularity because it has been demonstrated to quickly and effectively resolve dysfunctional beliefs and behaviors which can lead to life challenges in health, relationship and more. It has been strongly recommended by Deepak Chopra, Bruce Lipton and Candace Pert. This powerful mind-body approach is supported by peer-reviewed research, and draws from the fields of interpersonal neurobiology, epigenetics and psycho-somatic models.

LEVEL 2 -This two day training reviews and expands upon the basics of EFT taught in Level 1. You will learn a greater variety of methods to do your own personal work and give professionals a greater toolset for working with clients. Additional techniques are taught to expand your repertoire and offer skillful and effective ways of working with different issues, expanding your ability to work with deeper issues. Material is presented using a variety of learning styles including partnered teaching methods, demonstrations, paired and small group experiential applications. You will learn special approaches for working with children, teaching to groups, expanding on techniques for pain and physical conditions and working with gentle techniques for trauma. 

Awakenings with Selenite and Sound

Cost : $44

Contact : Nicki LeMarbre 774-521-4402

The purest prayer for ourselves and others is “to awaken”.

 This unique vibration raising event incorporates several avenues for your releasing of blockages and sets a wonderful stage for your access of deeper levels of awakening.

 What are you ready to really let go of?

 What do you really want to see more of in your life?

 There are three major components to creating change : Intention, Openness and Tools. Come with an open mind and heart, set the intention to raise your vibration, and Nicki provides you with the tools: a large Selenite Slab and two smaller pieces for your hands, Crystal Bowl & Singing Pyramid Playing, Deeksha Offering, Messages from Spirit and a unique Guided Chakra Clearing Meditation.

Technology Hi-Lights at Santa Fe Soul

 High Tech Detoxification

The Photon Genius offers a safe and effective alternative to drugs, surgery, chemo, or radiation without negative side effects

Pay As You Go: $1.50 per Minute or Package Deal: $60 for 1 Hour

Mercola Vitality Tanning Bed: 

Get a Healthy Tan in Time for Swimsuit SeasonSafe, cutting edge tanning bed solution designed to optimize Vitamin D levels, to help you look younger and feel great! The only tanning bed approved by the Vitamin D council.
We are offering a safe and convenient tanning and vitamin D-producing UV system, plus skin-supporting visible red light in the 633 nm range, which is truly phenomenal. With the added bonus of the red light, you’ll be able to improve the clarity, tone, and texture of your skin, ultimately giving you the look of a more youthful appearance.

Pay As You Go: $1.50 per Minute or Package Deal: $60 for 1 Hour

Ongoing Events in the Sun Room

Every Monday from 9 – 10:15 AM: Kundalini Yoga – The Yoga of Awareness

Monday’s class will focus on the heart center, opening, surrendering to our higher Self. Beautiful set with stretching.call if questions 901 2883 Tera

A dynamic blend of asana, kriya, meditation and breath-work. All levels welcome. The instructors, Tera and Pritpal have both been teaching for over 30 years. Pritpal is a Teacher Trainer of Kundalini Yoga and has trained Kundalini Yoga teachers all over the world. Tera is a member of the Aquarian Academy Teacher Trainer Institute. [Click Here] to learn more.

Cost: $15/Packages Available. Call Tera at (505) 901-2883 for more information.

Every Monday and Thursday from 5:30 – 6:45 PM: Gentle Yoga Chi

Are you coming back from your yoga practice? Are you coming back from an injury or illness? Are you interested in learning yoga as a wellness practice? THIS CLASS IS FOR YOU! Yoga means Union of Mind, Body Breath. everything coming together in the moment! Michal teaches conscious awareness, being present to your journey of mind, body, breath. She combines several yoga traditions, along with qigong, breathing, and imagining to create a full body-mind experience. [Click Here] to learn more.

Cost: Drop Ins $15 or package of 5 classes for $50. Call Michal Curry at (505) 501-9300 for more information.

Every Wednesday from 9:00-10:15 AM: Kundalini Yoga – The Yoga of Awareness

A dynamic blend of asana, kriya, meditation and breath work. All levels welcome. The instructors, Tera and Pritpal have both been teaching for over 30 years. Pritpal is a Teacher Trainer of Kundalini Yoga and has trained Kundalini Yoga teachers all over the world. Tera is a member of the Aquarian Academy Teacher Trainer Institute.[Click Here] to learn more.

Cost: $15/Packages Available. Call Tera at (505) 901-2883 for more information.

Every Wednesday from 10:30 – 12 PM: Qigong & Healing from Within

Join us for an eclectic blend of Qigong, gentle Yoga and Shamanic healing. Cultivate energy and consciousness for physical, emotional and spiritual health and self-realization. Nourish a profound sense of stability, inner strength and deep relaxation. This class follows the seasons, connecting with nature. Each season has it’s own energetic characteristics, emotional qualities, dominant organs, sounds, flavors, and element. These aspects and our relationship with them are reflected in our bodies, emotions and spirits. Our practices help us to flow with change and harmonize ourselves with what is happening within and around us. 

Allison Lasky has over 20 years in depth experience in various forms of shamanic healing, qigong, yoga, energy and bodywork. She brings a profound sensitivity for working with energy to assist in health and well being in addition to facilitating inner awakening. Allison also offers private Qigong and Yoga sessions for those who want to deepen their personal practice or give attention to specific interests and concerns.

Click Here to learn more.

Cost: First class is FREE then $12. For more information call Allison: 505-984-8733

Every Wednesday from 6:30 – 8:30PM: Clearing, Counseling and Higher Support

Every Wednesday from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Cost: $20

A group for fast-track growth. If you’ve been looking for a way to break through inner limitations and deepen your connection with Spirit, here’s your opportunity. Facilitated by Max Highstein, a gifted counselor with an extensive background in psychology, spirituality and intuition. He uses all three to help participants connect more deeply within, release the past, and experience true fulfillment. Class is small, seating is limited.

More information: Max Highstein, 466-1055, max@maxhighstein.com, Website: www.maxhighstein.com

Every Thursday from 3 – 5 PM: Free Post Traumatic Stress Help Clinic



This clinic addresses daily stressors and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Individual & Private sessions that will reset the fight or flight response in the brain which facilitates a deep sense of calm and grounding in your body and mind. PTSD (post traumatic stress) is a disorder that can develop following a traumatic event that threatens your safety or makes you feel helpless.

 Call Michal Curry at (505) 501-9300 for more information.

Please check the Event Calendar on our website for more information on other ongoing classes and events:

January Sun Room Calendar

And don’t forget: The Sun Room is available to rent for all of your events, classes and gatherings for only $30 per hour! Call 474-8555 and ask for Marion to request a tour or to schedule your next event.

We hope you’re having a wonderful week,

Your Friends at Santa Fe Soul

Dr. Robyn Benson, DOM (Doctor of Oriental Medicine) creator of A.R.T. (amplified regenerative therapies) Dr. Robyn Benson Dr. Robyn Benson brings an innovative and game changing approach to today’s health care. Robyn offers the most advanced leading-edge therapies, procedures and products designed to renew restore and revive peoples’ health called ART (Amplified Regenerative Therapies). Dr. Robyn Benson, author, speaker, self-care and regenerative medicine expert is known by many to be THE health detective with life-changing solutions! She is the owner and founder of Santa Fe Soul Center for Regenerative Medicine for over 15 years. For the past 27 years, she’s applied her considerable knowledge of acupuncture, platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy, Herbs, IV therapies and her love for healthy travel to help patients resolve acute and chronic health challenges and to achieve optimal and sustainable health. Dr. Benson is a graduate of the University of Virginia with a B.S. in Sports Medicine and a Master’s Degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. She is a board-certified in orthopedic and pediatric acupuncture.

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