Arm Yourself Against Cancer
"The prevention of cancer is truly a holistic process."
A quick definition of cancer refers to a group of related diseases where some of the body's cells become abnormal, begin to unceasingly divide, and eventually enter into surrounding tissues.
This can start almost anywhere within the body. The abnormal cells that would have otherwise died off, survive, multiply, and initiate the growth of tumors.
"According to a study conducted in 2008
by M.D. Anderson Cancer Center researchers,
90-95% of all cancer cases are due to
lifestyle and environmental factors."
Dr. Robyn Benson has always ben passionate about sharing this topic with people who are eager to ensure they reach and sustain optimal health!
Below is a quick list of key takeaways from this special episode:
- Cancer Briefly Defined
- What Is a Tumor
- Cancer Cells VS Normal Cells
- Cells becoming Cancerous
- Cause of Gene Mutations
- Common Cancer Risk Factors
- BELIEVE IT ---Cancer is Preventable
- Ways to Lower Your Risk
- The Importance of Weight Management
- A Closer Look at Inflammation
- The Gut Health Connection
- Amp Up Your Diet
- Cut the Booze
- Quit Smoking
- Get Moving
- The Value in Slumber
- Manage Stress
Top Quotes from this episode:
"There is no safe level of tobacco use."
"Based on extensive research, there is strong scientific evidence connecting drinking alcohol with several types a cancer. According to the National Toxicology Program of the US Department of Health and Human Services, alcohol is listed as a known human carcinogen."
"According to the National Cancer Institute, obesity is one of the major risk factors for cancer."
Dr. Robyn Benson hopes this YOUNGER podcast episode will go beyond your expectations and help you feel well equipped with the knowledge, resources, and tools to arm you and your loved ones from cancer!