Demystifying Detox
"Many believe detoxing can help prevent disease by removing and eliminating toxins, and then replacing them with the healthy nutrients the body requires to regenerate naturally."
For some, the term 'detox' has become a dirty word. It's no wonder with so many misleading products making false claims in the marketplace.
"The truth is, our bodies have been intelligently designed
to perform detoxification naturally."
We all have innate mechanisms working day and night to help rid the body of harmful substances. However, our exposure to chemicals has increased faster than our ability to detox. This can cause a buildup of harmful compounds that can impact deep into our cellular system and lead to dis-ease. For example, cardiovascular dis-ease, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, infertility, certain cancers, and mood disorders have been associated with a toxic overload.
If you haven't been feeling your absolute best,
you may benefit from a detox.
My next YOUNGER podcast episode called, Demystifying Detox, is being presented to help you better understand the basic physiology of the detoxification process. Learn the importance of how 'detoxifying' can help you live a youthful, healthy, and regenerative lifestyle.
Key Takeaways:
- Defining the goal of your detox program
- Common symptoms of toxicity
- Who benefits the most from a detox
- Positive results from detoxifying
- Defining toxic and non-toxic foods
- Dis-eases and chronic conditions associated with an overload of toxins in your body
- The variety of detoxes available today
- Preparation for your detox
- Useful kitchenware
- Detoxifying recipes that include drinks, smoothies, and soups
- Significant resources
"Toxicity is the degree to which a substance, either a toxin or poison, can cause harm. There are two medical distinctions of toxicity, acute, and chronic."
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