Extreme Stress is Leading Many to Rampant Adrenal Dysfunction
Extreme Stress ...
It is leading many to rampant adrenal dysfunction.
Doctors have noticed adrenal dysfunction has been going rampant in the midst of this pandemic. When your adrenal glands begin working overtime they produce stress hormones such as adrenalin and cortisol. When these hormone levels rise, you will age prematurely. It is as simple as that.
So, what is making this issue explode?
- FEAR has become the overwhelming emotion causing fight-or-flight responses.
- Hidden Trauma can keep your body stuck.
What happens when hormones like adrenalin and cortisol levels begin to increase and go into overdrive? You can expect your:
- Heart rate to speed up
- Blood pressure to rise
- Inflammation to surface
- Mind will experience memory loss
- Sensual vitality decreases
Meet my next special guest on YOUNGER, Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN, NP. Marcelle is passionate about transforming the way women experience healthcare through an integrative approach. She co-founded the world-renown Women to Women Clinic in 1983 with the vision not only to treat illness but also to help support her patients in pro-actively making healthier choices to prevent dis-ease.
Marcelle has successfully treated thousands of individuals through her unique approach to wellness. She is the author of several books that include:
- The Core Balance Diet
- Is It Me or My Adrenals?
- Is it Me or My Hormones?
- ... and more!
Marcelle will impress you when she answers Qs like:
- At 70 years old, what is Marcelle's secret?
- How did Marcelle get into this profession?
- When you get older, do you lose your sex drive? [Her definitive answer is, "NO"!]
- What's the difference between adrenal fatigue or something like the Epstein-Barr virus?
Enjoy this next YOUNGER podcast episode and share with any woman you care about who is dealing with excessive stress.
Adrenal Fatigue, High Cortisol Levels, and the Epstein-Barr virus, enough is enough!
Marcelle Pick understands you deserve to live a life filled with energy and sexual prosperity. Here are some of her top quotes from this YOUNGER episode:
If you have adrenal issues, you don't have an immune system that works. Your hormones are terrible, and your thyroid doesn't work as well. You can't think.
It's not being selfish to do self-care. It's really about honoring yourself.
Men's testosterone levels have gone down 50% in the last 20-30 years. That's huge. It's going to affect their sex drive.
We have been sexual being form the beginning time, but our culture is very much puritanical about talking about it.
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