Five Steps To Strengthen Your Intuition
Discover Your Inner Game
Strengthen your intuition and begin living a joyful and healthy life!
It is time to stop playing it safe or as some say, stop playing it small. Many today have recognized during this shut down it is time to expand their creativity and unblock what has been holding them back for years or maybe a lifetime.
During this pandemic, many are open to digging into their inner being to deal with their deeper feelings as they surface, and they are surfacing. Many have begun to tap into their intuitive abilities to create and inspire within to manifest new ways of living from their heart.
There is no better time to turn your fear into fuel, or recognize what wasn't working and begin to transform by taking the opportunity to tap into your higher mind. Let your subconscious reveal the original cause and issues you struggle with and learn how to overcome past challenges quickly.
Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
With that being said, it is time to introduce to you my next YOUNGER podcast guest, and dear friend Joy Martina, PhD. She helps others live in Joy [love] moving out of FEAR [False Expectations Appearing Real] and into a new realm of possibilities by connecting to their intuition.
Joy will answer some key questions you might be asking, like:
- Are there different ways to connect with your intuition?
- What are some of Dr. Joy's top meditations?
Enjoy listening to this episode of YOUNGER as you connect with yourself, then share it with a friend! Listen and flow as you manifest a life of abundance and love with Joy.
Listen, Enjoy and Share!
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