Unlock the Code to Better Aging!
Breakthrough to a New You!
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Ignite Your Health!

Does trauma have it’s hooks into your joy balloon? Is your happiness leaking out the bottom of our feet? Our March Speakers have your answers.


Transmute & Release Trauma Season 2

On Tuesday March 4th at 5PM MST, our Self-Care Revolution speaker will be:

Anette Carlstrom

Awakened Modern Day Mystic

Anette Carlstrom is an internationally acclaimed bestselling author, speaker, recording artist and recognized as “Sweden’s answer to the Dalai Lama”. Anette has worked with thousands of people as a global leader and is a catalyst for igniting and accelerating a person’s journey of Awakening into the Oneness.



Call Topic: Are you ready to…

Join the Self-Care Revolution where replays of the interviews are available to Free Members for 48 hours, plus you’ll receive instant access to call-in information and bonus materials.


Are you ready to thrive and not just survive?

Santa Fe Soul’s Institute for Self-Care Sciences

Presents our


Unlock Your Self Care and Thrive

Register by April 1st and save $45! AND be entered into a drawing to receive a self care package worth $200 from Santa Fe Soul.

Practitioner Self Care Tips

From Dr. Rebekah Kanter DOM FREE 15 minute Facial Cosmetic Enhancement Sessions. Mondays from 1:00-3:00 at SFS March 3rd.

From Rev. Dr. Adara Walton-Free 20 minute Energy Kinesiology Diagnostic Sessions. If you need to know root cause of what’s ailing you, come in for this free evaluation. Each session will consist of sample “muscle check” to find root cause of an issue underlying a current dis-ease, dis-order or upset.

Can also check for water, hydration and nutrient deficiencies-( up to 5 supplements to determine whether optimal for you to use, or if expired, if really safe to use before you toss it.)

From Jonathan Crews-  FREE 15 minute Vedic Astrology Readings in the SFS Living Room on Wednesday ‘s from 2:00-5:00pm

From Harmomny Rose West – Soul-Full Self-Care – Hold Onto Your Head

Feeling stressed?! Place your open, flat palm on your forehead while thinking of your stressor. Then, place your other flat palm on the back of your head. Take in a few deep breaths – breath in, receive the air, and then slowly breathe out. Try and hold your forehead long enough so that you can start to feel a pulse underneath your hands. That’s a sign that blood is coming back into your forebrain. This is a good thing-it means that your body is exiting its elevated hyper stressed state and realizing that it doesn’t have to run or fight. And, having enough blood in your brain so you can think clearly is deep Self-Care! Treat yourself to a stress-busting energy medicine session-this month’s special is only $45! HarmonyRoseWellness.com

From Dr. Christi Alsop DOM NATURAL HAYFEVER RELIEF -sneezing, fatigue, headaches,runny eyes and nose getting you down? Come and see us our natural solutions for you are in stock. HistoPlex-AB, Allergena Zone 6, and Juniperus. Having grown up with allergies in New Mexico Dr. Alsop understands how to help. Call to schedule an acupuncture appointment with Dr. Christi Alsop, DOM 505-986-1089.

From Robyn Benson, DOM will be sharing her top Self-Care tips at the

The Winter of Wellness: 90-Days to a Life of Optimum Health! Are you ready to break through old patterns of struggle, stress, scarcity and sickness? Do you want to step into a life of vitality, joy — and love for your body, mind, heart and soul?

Then join Robyn and 40+ Top Experts for this FREE 90-Day Summit taking place January 27th – March 28th!

From Kathleen Nagy-The Sound Lady

Tune Up (mp3 download)

This immune strengthening MP3 of harmonic frequencis uses Sharry Edward’s BioAcoustic Voice Biofeedback concepts. It energizes Circulation, Absorbtion, Organs of Digestion, Heart, Lungs, and Kidneys. Listen for 20 minutes a day and your immune system will have the strength to fight off those invaders that bring disease. The Sound Lady plays and sings through the french horn. The resulting harmonics work at the cellular level of matter.

From Kevin Snow- The Desert Shaman

“I Am Related To All Things”

Kevin is sharing a link to his Self Care Revolution interview on the importance of being in relationship.

Special Events in the Sun Room

Do you yearn to heal the past and thrive in a present of unlimited possibility?

Do you yearn to create a new blueprint for your life?

Or make an evolutionary leap?


March 7, 7:00-9:00pm, March 8, 10:00-5:00pm, March 9, 10:00-4:00


Contact: 505-474-3758

Join Hope Fitzgerald in learning the Infinity Wave, a channeled, higher-dimensional energetic that will help you to create the reality you desire. Think of it as a simple yet powerful tool to help Awaken Infinite You, giving you a way to connect to your higher self, others, and the earth directly. It will easily and quickly navigate you through choppy, uncharted waters, putting to rest the old belief that deep change takes much time and suffering.

Can I ask you something?Can I ask you something?

Where do you turn for information when you need help solving everything from your smallest to your most pressing health and wellness problems? Common cold, stress, cancer, hormone imbalance, addiction, weight issues, allergies…If you’re anything like me, you’re so over trying to sift through the mountain of information out there regarding your health and what to do to maintain it. Wouldn’t it be nice to have one place to go and access all the tools and resources you need exactly when you need them?

Let me introduce you to the Self-Care Revolution™, your one-stop-shop when it comes to providing you with exactly what you need to create a healthy, vibrant lifestyle! Sign up so you don’t miss out: http://bit.ly/1cM0kLo

Self Care Bundle Packages! 

Watch this video to learn about our

Sample 3 transformational sessions with our exceptional practitioners for the low introductory price of $50ea.



Sample 3 transformational sessions with our exceptional practitioners for the low introductory price of $50ea.

Call 474-8555 to schedule your appointments


“I love the idea of the bundles! It gives you the opportunity to address specific issues more holistically.”

Christie in Santa Fe

Technology Hi-Lights at Santa Fe Soul

 High Tech Detoxification

The Photon Genius offers a safe and effective alternative to drugs, surgery, chemo, or radiation without negative side effects

Pay As You Go: $1.50 per Minute or Package Deal: $60 for 1 Hour

Mercola Vitality Tanning Bed:

 Get a Healthy Tan in Time for Swimsuit Season

Safe, cutting edge tanning bed solution designed to optimize Vitamin D levels, to help you look younger and feel great! The only tanning bed approved by the Vitamin D council.

We are offering a safe and convenient tanning and vitamin D-producing UV system, plus skin-supporting visible red light in the 633 nm range, which is truly phenomenal. With the added bonus of the red light, you’ll be able to improve the clarity, tone, and texture of your skin, ultimately giving you the look of a more youthful appearance.

Pay As You Go: $1.50 per Minute or Package Deal: $60 for 1 Hour

Ongoing Events in the Sun Room

Every Monday from 9 – 10:15 AM: Kundalini Yoga – The Yoga of Awareness

Monday’s class will focus on the heart center, opening, surrendering to our higher Self. Beautiful set with stretching.call if questions 901 2883 Tera

A dynamic blend of asana, kriya, meditation and breath-work. All levels welcome. The instructors, Tera and Pritpal have both been teaching for over 30 years. Pritpal is a Teacher Trainer of Kundalini Yoga and has trained Kundalini Yoga teachers all over the world. Tera is a member of the Aquarian Academy Teacher Trainer Institute. [Click Here] to learn more.

Cost: $15/Packages Available. Call Tera at (505) 901-2883 for more information.

Every Monday and Thursday from 5:30 – 6:45 PM: Gentle Yoga Chi

Are you coming back from your yoga practice? Are you coming back from an injury or illness? Are you interested in learning yoga as a wellness practice? THIS CLASS IS FOR YOU! Yoga means Union of Mind, Body Breath. everything coming together in the moment! Michal teaches conscious awareness, being present to your journey of mind, body, breath. She combines several yoga traditions, along with qigong, breathing, and imagining to create a full body-mind experience. [Click Here] to learn more.

Cost: Drop Ins $15 or package of 5 classes for $50. Call Michal Curry at (505) 501-9300 for more information.

Every Wednesday from 9:00-10:15 AM: Kundalini Yoga – The Yoga of Awareness

A dynamic blend of asana, kriya, meditation and breath work. All levels welcome. The instructors, Tera and Pritpal have both been teaching for over 30 years. Pritpal is a Teacher Trainer of Kundalini Yoga and has trained Kundalini Yoga teachers all over the world. Tera is a member of the Aquarian Academy Teacher Trainer Institute.[Click Here] to learn more.

Cost: $15/Packages Available. Call Tera at (505) 901-2883 for more information.

Every Wednesday from 10:30 – 12 PM: Qigong & Healing from Within

Join us for an eclectic blend of Qigong, gentle Yoga and Shamanic healing. Cultivate energy and consciousness for physical, emotional and spiritual health and self-realization. Nourish a profound sense of stability, inner strength and deep relaxation. This class follows the seasons, connecting with nature. Each season has it’s own energetic characteristics, emotional qualities, dominant organs, sounds, flavors, and element. These aspects and our relationship with them are reflected in our bodies, emotions and spirits. Our practices help us to flow with change and harmonize ourselves with what is happening within and around us. 

Allison Lasky has over 20 years in depth experience in various forms of shamanic healing, qigong, yoga, energy and bodywork. She brings a profound sensitivity for working with energy to assist in health and well being in addition to facilitating inner awakening. Allison also offers private Qigong and Yoga sessions for those who want to deepen their personal practice or give attention to specific interests and concerns.

Click Here to learn more.

Cost: First class is FREE then $12. For more information call Allison: 505-984-8733

 Every Wednesday from 6:30 – 8:30PM: Clearing, Counseling and Higher Support

Every Wednesday from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Cost: $20

A group for fast-track growth. If you’ve been looking for a way to break through inner limitations and deepen your connection with Spirit, here’s your opportunity. Facilitated by Max Highstein, a gifted counselor with an extensive background in psychology, spirituality and intuition. He uses all three to help participants connect more deeply within, release the past, and experience true fulfillment. Class is small, seating is limited.

More information: Max Highstein, 466-1055, max@maxhighstein.com, Website: www.maxhighstein.com

Every Thursday from 3 – 5 PM: Free Post Traumatic Stress Help Clinic


Call Michal Curry at (505) 501-9300 for more information.

Please check the Event Calendar on our website for more information on other ongoing classes and events:

January Sun Room Calendar

And don’t forget: The Sun Room is available to rent for all of your events, classes and gatherings for only $30 per hour! Call 474-8555 and ask for Marion to request a tour or to schedule your next event.

We hope you’re having a wonderful week,

Your Friends at Santa Fe Soul

Dr. Robyn Benson, DOM (Doctor of Oriental Medicine) creator of A.R.T. (amplified regenerative therapies) Dr. Robyn Benson Dr. Robyn Benson brings an innovative and game changing approach to today’s health care. Robyn offers the most advanced leading-edge therapies, procedures and products designed to renew restore and revive peoples’ health called ART (Amplified Regenerative Therapies). Dr. Robyn Benson, author, speaker, self-care and regenerative medicine expert is known by many to be THE health detective with life-changing solutions! She is the owner and founder of Santa Fe Soul Center for Regenerative Medicine for over 15 years. For the past 27 years, she’s applied her considerable knowledge of acupuncture, platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy, Herbs, IV therapies and her love for healthy travel to help patients resolve acute and chronic health challenges and to achieve optimal and sustainable health. Dr. Benson is a graduate of the University of Virginia with a B.S. in Sports Medicine and a Master’s Degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. She is a board-certified in orthopedic and pediatric acupuncture.

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