Revitalize and Thrive in 2014
Get ready to Revitalize & Thrive in 2014!
It’s 2014, another NEWyear for the NEW you! Are you ready to rock your health, your wealth and your mission?
If you are tired of all your broken resolutions of the past, you may be ready to PLAY in a bigger way. One of the best ways to do this is to commit to a daily ritual that embodies the practice of Self-Care.
Consider your three top intentions or goals for 2014. Be kind to yourself, and listen deeply to your heart and soul. What really matters to you? What are your dreams for a fulfilling and joy-filled 2014?
Take a piece of paper and write down your three intentions, goals or dreams. Next to each of these three aspirations, write three action steps you will take each week to accomplish your core intentions. Choose to start each and every day by reading these, thereby renewing your commitment.
Listed below are what I see as the most essential Self-Care pathways. Now is a wonderful time to practice radical Self-Care. Ensure you not only rock your health, but also your prosperity and your truest desires for 2014.
“Self-Care is a way of life, not an event.” Robyn Benson, DOM
11 Pathways :
1. Be your own best Self-Care advocate and take responsibility for your health.
2. Reconnect to the EARTH – daily outdoor time is essential.
3. Eat consciously; enjoy a healthy organic diet.
4. Engage in a daily spiritual practice such as meditation, prayer, or ritual.
5. Move your body in some way every day. Variety equals fun.
6. Keep a daily Self-Care journal and cherish your journey.
7. Hydrate with quality water, and nourish every cell of your body with self-love and positive thoughts.
8. Activate and cultivate healthy relationships that feed your soul.
9. Nurture your life’s passions and purpose on a daily basis.
10. Practice heart-centered breathing. Breath is life.
11. Be in gratitude, allow your abundance to flow and pay your blessings forward.
Have fun with these pathways. When you find you are off-center, having a tough day, or being challenged with one of your goals, choose one or two of these pathways to get back on track. Deeply honor your process to thrive and soar with success in your own special way.
As a present to you and to help you Revitalize and Thrive in 2014, the Self-Care Revolution would like to gift you with the first full book of the Self-Care Revolution Season One Series entitled “Thoughtsand Food as Medicine.” Go to this link .
Enjoy each of the content-rich interviews with top experts in the health and wellness industry. They care and want to support you in your desire to live with vitality and passion.
Cheers to you, in your best year ever!
Robyn Benson, DOM
Your Revitalize & Thrive Health Coach!
Doctor of Oriental Medicine
Founder of
P.S. Feel free to contact me at if I can be of any help to you with your Revitalize and Thrive 2014 program.