Scary Colds, Spooky Runny Noses, and Howling Coughs, OH MY!
Terrified of getting sick? We will scare the nasty monsters away! Learn how to avoid sickness this Fall, and through the holidays. If you are fed up with getting sick, feeling exhausted, and just want to feel better…than keep reading because you can be well, and STAY well now and throughout the holiday season!
With much love and gratitude,
from Santa Fe Soul &
Dr. Robyn Benson, DOMFounder and Director of Santa Fe Soul
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In this week’s newsletter…
- Introducing David Bellows, DOM Rx2
- Now taking patients for Injectible Nutrients on Fridays
- Fall Special with Suzanne Kessler – ENDING SOON! DON’T MISS!
- Ozone & Oxygen Steam Sauna @ Santa Fe Soul
- Bulletproof BioHacking Conference 2015 Join Robyn & Tom!
- NEW classes in our Sun Room Jill is back for Beginner Tai Chi!
Practitioners Tips
Introducing David Bellows, DOM Rx2
Dr. David Bellows has been with Santa Fe Soul for quite some time now. For those of you who do not know about his practice, here’s what he specializes in!Specializing in Applied Kinesiology, Dr. Bellows literally asks the body questions. Such as, “what is working?”, “what is not working?”. So how does this information relate to whatever the patient’s issue is? There is a direct relationship between the muscles in the body, our internal organs, acupuncture meridians, our metabolism, and our biochemistry.In applying these relationships it is possible to ask the body what it wants. Once he has an idea as to what part of the body is influencing the patient’s issue, he uses his understanding of the body’s biochemistry and interconnectedness to see what can be done using supplements, I.V. injectible nutrients, or more subtle means to bring out a positive change in organ/bodily function and therefore (hopefully) improve the patient’s experience with respect to their health issue.Dr. David offers more comprehensive treatments that you can take a look at on our website HERE.
Now on Fridays Dr. David Bellows will be offering the same I.V. injectible nutrients that Robyn Benson provides. Such as:
- I.V. Vitamin C
- Myers Cocktails
- Ultra-Violet Blood Irradiation
- Prolozone Injections
- and more!We know how much you love to come in and get that last treatment before the weekend, and we would like to help! Call 505-986-1089 to make your appointment with Dr. Bellows!
Supplement of the Week
De-Stress is a wonderful supplement to bring you out of that hectic stressed out state. De-Stress contains casein peptides‚ which come from milk and have been associated with stress relief. Researchers believe they work by making blood vessels larger. The peptides form when casein—the main type of protein in milk—is digested and broken down into bits of protein. Supplements that provide casein peptides may support cardiovascular and intestinal health‚ as well as boost energy. They’re also used to decrease stress and anxiety. Although you can learn to manage stress through techniques like meditation or deep breathing‚ you may need some additional help. This is especially true if you’ve been under a tremendous amount of stress for an extended period of time. Eating right and working out can also help‚ but you also might want to consider taking a supplement like Biotics Research’s De-Stress to help ease the tension. Call us to set up your appointment with Robyn to see if De-Stress is right for you! 505-986-1089
De-Stress contains casein peptides‚ which come from milk and have been associated with stress relief. Researchers believe they work by making blood vessels larger. The peptides form when casein—the main type of protein in milk—is digested and broken down into bits of protein. Supplements that provide casein peptides may support cardiovascular and intestinal health‚ as well as boost energy. They’re also used to decrease stress and anxiety. – See more at:
De-Stress contains casein peptides‚ which come from milk and have been associated with stress relief. Researchers believe they work by making blood vessels larger. The peptides form when casein—the main type of protein in milk—is digested and broken down into bits of protein. Supplements that provide casein peptides may support cardiovascular and intestinal health‚ as well as boost energy. They’re also used to decrease stress and anxiety. – See more at:
Advanced Healing Technology
Our Ozone & Oxygen Sauna will give you wonderful results. Oxygen and Ozone therapies are thought to benefit patients in the following ways:
- stimulating white blood cell production
- killing viruses (ozone and hydrogen peroxide)
- improving delivery of oxygen from the blood stream to the tissues of the body
- Prevents colds
- Combats chronic fatigue syndrome
- Fights bronchial problems
- Cleanses the liver
- Breaks up cholesterol
- and much much more!!!
Give us a call today and schedule your blissful Ozone & Oxygen sauna treatment. 505-986-1089
The Bulletproof Biohacking Conference is the community’s foremost live event celebrating groundbreaking work in the optimization of human mental and physical performance. October 23rd through the 25th, Robyn Benson along with Thomas Myers will be in Pasadena, CA sharing with the world their BioHacking tools and wellness therapies.
This highly-anticipated three day event will feature the world’s leading experts speaking on a wide range topics including hacking your brain, relationships, nutrition, meditation, sleep and more. The interactive biohacking technology will include the latest in neurofeedback, exercise hacking, stress inoculation, biofeedback, supplements, oxygen, whole body vibration, and much more. Take a look for yourself and plan your next Bulletproof BioHacking Conference.
Special Events
Dr. Dan Mathews Holy Divine Group Healing
When: Thursday October 16th from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Where: Santa Fe Soul Sun Room
Cost: $35 Suggested Minimum Love Offering
Participants in Dr. Dan’s Group Healings with Holy Divine Healing have experienced profound physical and emotional healing, as well as an expanded awakening to their own unique spiritual gifts. (Learn More…)
Free Introductory – The Quality and The Use of Specific Frequencies (Hz) in Relation to the ANS and Different Body Systems – A Seminar for Health Practitioners.
When: November 13th free introduction, Nov. 14th through the 16th weekend intensive and clinic
Where: Santa Fe Soul
Cost: Free on the 11/13/15, Until 11/2/2015: $545 Late registration: $595 ($100 Registration fee is non-refundable) Clinic cost: $125 per session.
A rare opportunity! All the way from Israel, Mr. Moran Even and the Even Method for frequency medicine. This groundbreaking method is frequency-based instead of device-based. Therefore, this method can be used with any frequency generator. (Learn More…)
Ongoing Events in the Sun Room
Gentle Yoga Chi
Mondays from 5:30 – 6:45 PM
Michal teaches conscious awareness, being present to your journey of mind, body, breath. She combines several Yoga traditions, along with Qigong, breathing, and imagining to create a full body-mind experience. Are you coming back from your Yoga practice? Are you coming back from an injury or illness? Are you interested in learning Yoga as a wellness practice? THIS CLASS IS FOR YOU!
Contact: Michal Curry 505-501-9300
Cost: $15 drop-ins & 5 classes for $10 when you pay $50
Beginner’s Tai Chi with Jill Basso
Tuesdays from 5:30 – 6:30
Jill is back! Beginning next Tuesday 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Tai Chi Chuan is a slow moving, meditative, martial art good for health, relaxation and self-defense. Originally from China, Tai Chi was initially developed to improve health and promote longevity. Learn more here…
Qigong & Healing from Within
Wednesdays from 10:30 – 12 PM
Join us for an eclectic blend of Qigong, gentle Yoga and Shamanic healing. Cultivate energy and consciousness for physical, emotional and spiritual health and self-realization. Nourish a profound sense of stability, inner strength and deep relaxation.
Cost : First class is FREE then $12
Contact : Allison: 505-984-8733
Click to learn more...
Please check the Event Calendar on our website for more information on other ongoing classes and events:
October 2015 Sun Room Calendar
And don’t forget: The Sun Room is available to rent for all of your events, classes and gatherings for only $40 per hour! Call 474-8555 and ask for Felicia to request a tour or to schedule your next event.
Feel free to share the information in this Newsletter on FB, Twitter, or with anyone you know who would benefit. We appreciate when you POST, LIKE, COMMENT, and SHARE so others can begin their self-healing journey!