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Spring Into Wellness Solutions!

We hope you are into the groove of this new time change and are feeling the joy of more light in each day.

This week’s workshop on Sleep Solutions with Dr. Robyn Benson and Dr. Rebeccah Kanter was phenomenal! We learned so many helpful techniques for improving sleep we could hardly wait to get home to try them out.

On March 22nd please join us for Emotional, Mental and Physical Pain Solutions w/ Dr. Christi Alsop Dr. Robyn Benson. How great to start your springtime off feeling clear of pain and raring to go!  Only $20 admission fee which includes one of our well-loved BOSS technologies.

Our BOSS members are getting fit, losing weight and are feeling great! One of our BOSS members had this to say about her BOSS

“I have been using the BOSS (Body Optimization System Studio) for about three weeks. Even in this short amount of time I have noticed increased energy and vitality. The staff is helpful, the atmosphere is relaxing and it feels like a real treat to use the facility. Making the commitment to go over to the BOSS studio is nourishment for the soul in addition to the physical benefits!

Thanks so much!”


To find out more about becoming a member santafesoul.com/boss!


Oceans of love and abundance,

Dr. Robyn Benson, Tom Myers and the staff

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Emotional, Mental and Physical Pain Solutions w/ Dr. Christi and Dr. Robyn


Dr. Benson has traveled to over 70 countries and will share with you the techniques she has brought from around the world. Robyn will share her most important PAIN message that she revealed to a global audience on the first ever Pain Summit in 2015. Dr. Christi has been practicing for over 20 years, and will bring her breadth of knowledge and experience on how she continues to help her patients get out of pain.  This dynamic duo is a power house together and you will definitely enjoy this talk (learn more). Don’t forget to RSVP as seating is limited.

$20 (all registrants receive one of the BOSS technologies for free-value $20-$50)


March 22, 2016 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Santa Fe Soul

2905 Rodeo Park Dr E

Santa Fe, NM 87505


Why a Walk In the Woods Really Does Help Your Body and Soul

Dr. Christi Alsop would like to encourage you to take a hike outdoors this weekend. There is a reason taking a walk in the woods makes you feel so good and this is by no means a new discovery. To learn more take a look here.

Winter takes its toll on our skin, so we are offering a wonderful express facial to polish and improve your skin’s texture and leave you feeling fresh as springtime! 

Call Suzanne at 505.699.0789 to schedule your appointment today!
Offer expires March 31st

Experience The B.O.S.S!


Tesla Energy Lights

Enjoy clearer thinking, positive feelings and higher awareness!

A Tesla Light System known as Tesla Energy Lights™ is a personal energy fueling system designed to donate electrons, recharge and permeate one’s subtle energy bodies with compatible high frequency subtle energies. The biggest advantage the Tesla Energy Lights™ provide is the ability to lie down in between each polarity (bias) unit to enter in to one’s “alpha” state. That is the same altered state of consciousness we go to when we pray, meditate or dream.


Planning A Trip? Do Not Leave Home Without This . . . .


Travel With Vitality – Pocket Edition

In this pocket version of her best selling Healthy Travel book, Dr. Robyn Benson, — world traveler and exercise and nutrition enthusiast — reveals the hazards of travel and guides readers to renew, retrain, and regain health, no matter where you are. This is essential reading for anyone who is ready to take charge of his or her quality of life as you travel through life every day! Pick up your pocket edition HERE! for $3.99 for a limited time only.

If you find value from this book, please leave a
review and Robyn will send you a special gift. With much gratitude!!!

Like what you read? Please share!

Dr. Robyn Benson, DOM (Doctor of Oriental Medicine) creator of A.R.T. (amplified regenerative therapies) Dr. Robyn Benson Dr. Robyn Benson brings an innovative and game changing approach to today’s health care. Robyn offers the most advanced leading-edge therapies, procedures and products designed to renew restore and revive peoples’ health called ART (Amplified Regenerative Therapies). Dr. Robyn Benson, author, speaker, self-care and regenerative medicine expert is known by many to be THE health detective with life-changing solutions! She is the owner and founder of Santa Fe Soul Center for Regenerative Medicine for over 15 years. For the past 27 years, she’s applied her considerable knowledge of acupuncture, platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy, Herbs, IV therapies and her love for healthy travel to help patients resolve acute and chronic health challenges and to achieve optimal and sustainable health. Dr. Benson is a graduate of the University of Virginia with a B.S. in Sports Medicine and a Master’s Degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. She is a board-certified in orthopedic and pediatric acupuncture.

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