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Breakthrough to a New You!
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Whatever you do, don’t miss this (mark your calendar)


We have some AMAZING events coming up that you cannot miss! Check out our Calendar for August and September and save the date!Have you taken the time to view all of the services we offer at Santa Fe Soul? You’ll be very surprised and delighted to discover what you will find! Take the opportunity to learn more.

To Your Optimal Health

from Santa Fe Soul &

Dr. Robyn Benson, DOMFounder and Director of Santa Fe Soul


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The Ark Book Store Presents…

Dr. Robyn Benson’s Book Signing of The Healthy Conscious Traveler

When : August 16th from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Where : The Ark Bookstore 133 Romero St, Santa Fe, NM 87501

Cost : FREE – copy of Dr. Robyn Benson’s signed book additional costContact : (505)-988-3709

Do you find yourself spending hours a day, each month or year traveling either by car, train, plane or bus? Are you tired of being over-stimulated and drained by the noise, the people and feeling trapped in artificial cages of transportation? There is a reason for your overwhelm, and there is a way out. (Learn More)


Practitioners Tips

Dr. Robyn Benson had the pleasure of being interviewed with Laura Steward! Listen to her new radio show, It’s All About the Questions on WAXE/iHeart Radio every Tuesday from 11-noon eastern. You can access Robyn and Laura’s chat HERE. If you found this interview useful you can download it as well HERE!


Free My Brain From ADHD!!!!

News from our Self-Care Revolution Speaker Dr. Mikell

The Natural Path Health Center is proud to present a new workshop about an all too common brain imbalance. During this talk you will learn the 5 “MUST DO’S” in caring for your brain. These 5 areas make the difference between existing vs. thriving in your life. AND, Dr. Parsons will share her personal secret weapon on how she is able to live a life of vibrancy, every day in every way!!!

Where: In the comfort of your own home by phone or your computer

When:Tuesday August 25, 2015

Time:6:00 pm PT

Why: Because your brain can be rebalanced!

Who should attend:Adults or parents of children who are struggling with ADHD

The Good News: You do not need to be a current patient to attend, however there will be a special gift for those who choose to start care that night! And there are options for those who are living far, far away too!!!!

RSVP by clicking here or call the office to sign up at (559) 447-1404.

Take your health out of the hands of “big pharma” and back to you, where it belongs!


Gluten Pulverizing Formula

Glutenza™ is a gluten pulverizing formula uniquely designed with powerful enzymes, prebiotics and probiotics to break down gluten proteins by targeting both internal and external peptide bonds. Glutenza™ goes beyond the traditional DPPIV enzyme, offering superior degradation of gluten proteins by breaking down unhydrolyzed gluten peptides. Additionally, the highly specialized prebiotic, PreForPro™ is unique in supporting the proliferation of beneficial bacteria in both the small and large intestines. This plays a critical role in breaking down gluten and other proteins to promote a healthy intestinal tract.

Get yourself a bottle of Glutenza while the limited supplies last.


Special Events in Sun Room

Free Yourself – Create A Life That Makes You Smile

When : August 22nd from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Where : Santa Fe Soul

Cost : Early Bird Special $97.00 (Before August 8th) After August 8th $127.00

Join Marti Murphy to for this Transformational Workshop and learn techniques to identify and release the hidden limiting beliefs that keep you stuck, so that you can consistently move forward and Create A Life That Makes You Smile. (Learn More…)


Book Signing and Talk with Dave Asprey author of “The Bulletproof Diet”

When : August 24th from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Where : Santa Fe Soul

Cost : Free – Book signed with purchase

Santa Fe Soul Center for Regenerative Medicine welcomes the community to the book signing of Dave Asprey’s The Bulletproof Diet. We will be serving Dave’s Bulletproof Coffee recipe as well as his Bulletproof Protein Bars! This event is limited to 50 people please RSVP to 505-474-8555 this event is limited seating so it’s first come first serve!

(Learn More…)


Advanced Healing Technology at Santa Fe Soul


The NanoVi™ device is designed to improve cellular activities, specifically by improving the body’s response to oxidative stress. Whether your goal is to maximize vitality and quality of life or address an illness, improving cellular activity is essential. Using oxygen to trigger the body’s natural response to protect and repair damage. Powerful for lung health, brain fog, post stroke, PTSD, and helps improve your memory! Used in combination with our Tesla Energy Lights™

Pay As You Go: $2.00 per Minute or

Package Deal: $30 for 15 minutes


Did you know? Using the Photon-Genius produces potent antioxidants, neurotransmitters and artery wall relaxers. The Photon-Genius helps regulate muscle tone of the arteries and may prevent arteriosclerosis and is anti-inflammatory and may prevent injury to vessel walls and normalizing blood pressure in the process. Using the Photon-Genius produces powerful brain cell protectors, neurotransmitters, memory and learning enhancers. Call 505-986-1089 to schedule your appointment.

One Session : $40

UltraViolet Blood Irradiation

Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation, also called Photoluminescence Therapy, is intravenously applied ultraviolet energy. Researchers discovered the following beneficial reactions to Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation: Inactivation of toxins, increase in blood flow, eliminates parasites or bacteria in the blood.


Ongoing Events in the Sun Room

Gentle Yoga Chi

Mondays from 5:30 – 6:45 PM

Michal teaches conscious awareness, being present to your journey of mind, body, breath. She combines several Yoga traditions, along with Qigong, breathing, and imagining to create a full body-mind experience. Are you coming back from your Yoga practice? Are you coming back from an injury or illness? Are you interested in learning Yoga as a wellness practice? THIS CLASS IS FOR YOU!

Contact: Michal Curry 505-501-9300

Cost: $15 drop-ins & 5 classes for $10 when you pay $50

Qigong & Healing from Within 

Wednesdays from 10:30 – 12 PM

Join us for an eclectic blend of Qigong, gentle Yoga and Shamanic healing. Cultivate energy and consciousness for physical, emotional and spiritual health and self-realization. Nourish a profound sense of stability, inner strength and deep relaxation.

Cost : First class is FREE then $12

Contact : Allison: 505-984-8733

Click to learn more...



Please check the Event Calendar on our website for more information on other ongoing classes and events: 

August 2015 Sun Room Calendar

And don’t forget: The Sun Room is available to rent for all of your events, classes and gatherings for only $40 per hour! Call 474-8555 and ask for Felicia to request a tour or to schedule your next event.

 Feel free to share the information in this Newsletter on FB, Twitter, or with anyone you know who would benefitWe appreciate when you POST, LIKE, COMMENT, and SHARE so others can begin their self-healing journey!

We want to give you 10% off your next purchase! Present this email and receive 10% off of Supplements, Products, Books, CDs, and more! *Offer valid from August 1st – August 31st.

*Offer valid from August 1st through August 31st. May not be combined with payment for co-pay or payment for treatments. Offer valid on books, cds, retail product, SCR products, Bulletproof products. Offer expires on August 31st, please present this email before date to receive 10% off purchase.

Dr. Robyn Benson, DOM (Doctor of Oriental Medicine) creator of A.R.T. (amplified regenerative therapies) Dr. Robyn Benson Dr. Robyn Benson brings an innovative and game changing approach to today’s health care. Robyn offers the most advanced leading-edge therapies, procedures and products designed to renew restore and revive peoples’ health called ART (Amplified Regenerative Therapies). Dr. Robyn Benson, author, speaker, self-care and regenerative medicine expert is known by many to be THE health detective with life-changing solutions! She is the owner and founder of Santa Fe Soul Center for Regenerative Medicine for over 15 years. For the past 27 years, she’s applied her considerable knowledge of acupuncture, platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy, Herbs, IV therapies and her love for healthy travel to help patients resolve acute and chronic health challenges and to achieve optimal and sustainable health. Dr. Benson is a graduate of the University of Virginia with a B.S. in Sports Medicine and a Master’s Degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. She is a board-certified in orthopedic and pediatric acupuncture.

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