You Can Live Out Your Full DNA Potential: Nature has the answer.
You Can Live Out Your Full DNA Potential!
Nature has the answer.
There are many people doing everything in their hearts desire to help a friend or family member with a mental health problem.
Do you know someone who has this personal challenge?
... or has someone in their family they are trying to help?
We are talking about someone, at any age; old, young, and everywhere in-between, who might be diagnosed with having:
- Dementia
- Clinical Depression
- Anxiety Disorder
- ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder)
- Substance Abuse
- Bi-Polar Disorder
- OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Schizophrenia
- Autism
This list continues to expand year after year. I could go on and on but you get the point.
Well if you do know someone partaking in tone of these complicated duels in life, you might have empathy for their pain. Your compassion for their life that appears to be an endless nightmare and frustrating as everyone involved feels helpless as unlimited band aids traditional health care prescribes falls short of results.
The caretaker would like to believe a new drug has helped because temporarily the ill person's anti-social behavior may appear to improve slightly. Reality confirms, it was temporary as deeper issues surface.
The shock in the end is, as we all know, a time to confirm a broken system is not only complicating the core issues but appearing to make things worse.
Let us begin to have a discussion about where we are with these serious health concerns. Let us recognize the opportunities have come for us to reimagine the tools and systems build around the mental health care system and accept the changes needed. We have arrived and there is no better time to make the significant shifts to help support these individuals, families and society that have all been slilently suffering.
Let us reflect upon our own humanity for a moment!
Let us acknowledge this issue isn't going to magically go away.
Let us open our minds to new possibilities so we don't have to continue to inhumanly step over people living in the street or needles from substance abuse, and open our hearts for our children who must deal with these unpromising pictures of society in their heads. Let us commit to moving out of this ongoing bottomless pit of disbelief.
Begin by supporting the unique professionals that have become the living pioneers leading us in a direction that offers us promise. On a soul level, they understand this is not how we treat our fellow man and woman in need. From the ground up, they are transforming this dead system by infusing it with the light that offers results for human beings collectively.
On my next YOUNGER podcast, I will introduce you to a psychiatrist who thinks beyond the box as his journey in life required him to do so in order to survive. He is someone I would call a mental health warrior.
Meet Dr. Samuel Lee, a certified holistic psychiatrist, who is applying a spiritual-based mental health discipline to his work with positive reviews. His is young, with a gift of wisdom early in life, as his bio will explain, and his personal journey includes how he has been guided to follow his life's work.
Listen, Enjoy and Share!
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