Unlock the Code to Better Aging!
Breakthrough to a New You!
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You do not want to EVER be deficient…

Dear Felicia ,

Magnesium Deficiency Affects All of Us.

Here’s How to Correct Your Deficiency…



Your body is made up of approximately 100 TRILLION CELLS…

Your life, energy and health depends on them.

And for each one of them to survive —

— Each one of them needs to regulate the proper mineral balance.

— Each one has to be fueled by sufficient ATP energy…

— And each cell’s necessary chemical reactions need driven by hundreds of different enzymes.

When your cells don’t contain the proper mineral-ratio, don’t possess the ATP energy needed to operate properly, and they aren’t supported with healthy enzymatic function — your “your health begins to breakdown — as your cells are unable to carry out their necessary function.

If this process continues, the body begins giving up, and soon dies.

Magnesium is the backbone of every single one of these processes.

In this video, our friend and health visionary Ian Clark, discusses the epidemic of “Magnesium Deficiency”, and magnesium’s MASS ROLE in regulating our well being — from ENERGY, sleep, pain-relief, and cellular detox!

See how this one MASTER MINERAL is the driver of core bodily functions, and how we’re all more deficient that we thought…


Definitely WATCH THIS and I’d highly recommend getting yourself some! We’re loading up over here!! …After you watch Ian’s whole presentation, you will be too!

Here’s to your longevity and vitality

from Santa Fe Soul &

Dr. Robyn Benson, DOM

Founder and Director of Santa Fe Soul


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coming soon….



Practitioners Tips

Please join us on Sunday May 23rd at 10 AM with “Essentials of Healthy Living” Radio Show and Dr. Robyn Benson discussing the topic, The Healthy Traveler: 8 Pathways to Smart and Effortless Travel. You will not want to miss this awesome interview!

Click HERE to listen to this fabulous interview! 


Special Events in The Sun Room

Dr. Dan Mathews Holy Divine Group Healing

When : May 22nd from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Where : Santa Fe Soul

Cost : $35 Suggested Minimum Love Offering

Contact : Gracia Coffin 505-500-7918

For over 10 years, Dr. Dan Mathews has been coming to New Mexico twice a year to facilitate Group Healings, as well as individual transformational sessions, in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Los Alamos, and Jemez Springs. The Group Healings are global service events open to any who feel called to consciously participate in their own transformational process and assist in the ascension process for all Humanity, all Life, and Mother Earth. (Learn More)

Santa Fe Soul Yard Sale!

When : May 23rd from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Where : Santa Fe Soul

Cost : Free Event

Contact : Felicia Valdez 505-474-8555

Santa Fe Soul is doing some Spring cleaning and as a result, WE ARE HAVING A YARD SALE! Stop by this Saturday May 23rd from 10 am to 12 pm and pick up some amazing goodies for your home or for a gift! You definitely do not want to miss this blowout sale! There will be art, furniture, saunas, slightly new to used clothing, and much more! (Learn More)

Leading-Edge Detox at Santa Fe Soul

High-Tech DetoxificationThe Photon Genius offers a safe and effective alternative to drugs, surgery, chemo, and radiation without negative side effects, empowering the immune system and enhancing the innate healing abilities of the body. The first and only instrument in the world to communicate with all the cells of the body to balance and enliven all systems and organs of the body. (Learn more…)

One Session: $40 or Package Deal:10 for $325

The Hyperthermic Chamber Steam Ozone Sauna is the most exciting portable steam sauna product available. New features make it the most advanced on the market. The Ozone Sauna Cabinet features an oxygen generator for easy breathing during sauna usage and four powerful jets for a comfortable and relaxing steam. It can even induce an artificial fever ready to knock out infections and inflammation! You can purge toxins while you relax. Call 505-986-1089 to schedule your appointment.

One Session : $60 or Package Deal: 5 for $250

Mercola Vitality Tanning Bed

Enjoy vitamin D-producing UVB, Infrared, Red and Blue Light with the Vitality Tanning Bed. The Mercola Vitality Tanning System, is a complete tanning system that utilizes UVB rays to stimulate natural vitamin D production in your body. It’s made even better than conventional tanning beds because it has two more beneficial types of light which are red and infrared light.

Pay As You Go: $1.50 per Minute or

Package Deal: Groupon deal $20 for 10 – 10 minute sessions


Ongoing Events in the Sun Room

Gentle Yoga Chi

Mondays from 5:30 – 6:45 PM

Michal teaches conscious awareness, being present to your journey of mind, body, breath. She combines several Yoga traditions, along with Qigong, breathing, and imagining to create a full body-mind experience. Are you coming back from your Yoga practice? Are you coming back from an injury or illness? Are you interested in learning Yoga as a wellness practice? THIS CLASS IS FOR YOU!

Contact: Michal Curry 505-501-9300

Cost: $15 drop-ins & 5 classes for $10 when you pay $50

Qigong & Healing from Within

Wednesdays from 10:30 – 12 PM

Join us for an eclectic blend of Qigong, gentle Yoga and Shamanic healing. Cultivate energy and consciousness for physical, emotional and spiritual health and self-realization. Nourish a profound sense of stability, inner strength and deep relaxation.

Cost : First class is FREE then $12

Contact : Allison: 505-984-8733

Click to learn more...



Please check the Event Calendar on our website for more information on other ongoing classes and events: 

May 2015 Sun Room Calendar

And don’t forget: The Sun Room is available to rent for all of your events, classes and gatherings for only $40 per hour! Call 474-8555 and ask for Felicia to request a tour or to schedule your next event.

 Feel free to share the information in this Newsletter on FB, Twitter, or with anyone you know who would benefit. We appreciate when you POST, LIKE, COMMENT, and SHARE so others can begin their self-healing journey!

Dr. Robyn Benson, DOM (Doctor of Oriental Medicine) creator of A.R.T. (amplified regenerative therapies) Dr. Robyn Benson Dr. Robyn Benson brings an innovative and game changing approach to today’s health care. Robyn offers the most advanced leading-edge therapies, procedures and products designed to renew restore and revive peoples’ health called ART (Amplified Regenerative Therapies). Dr. Robyn Benson, author, speaker, self-care and regenerative medicine expert is known by many to be THE health detective with life-changing solutions! She is the owner and founder of Santa Fe Soul Center for Regenerative Medicine for over 15 years. For the past 27 years, she’s applied her considerable knowledge of acupuncture, platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy, Herbs, IV therapies and her love for healthy travel to help patients resolve acute and chronic health challenges and to achieve optimal and sustainable health. Dr. Benson is a graduate of the University of Virginia with a B.S. in Sports Medicine and a Master’s Degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. She is a board-certified in orthopedic and pediatric acupuncture.

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